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Autistic Burnout vs. Depression by Dr. Megan Anna Neff (Article)

Autistic Burnout vs. Depression by Dr. Megan Anna Neff

Dr. Neff delves into the intricate relationship between autistic burnout and depression, shedding light on how understanding the nuances of autistic burnout can significantly impact the well-being of autistic people. Autistic burnout is elucidated as a pathway to autistic depression and even suicidality, stressing the urgency of differentiating and addressing these interconnected aspects. The article dissects the characteristics of autistic burnout, emphasizing its chronic exhaustion, reduced tolerance to sensory stimuli, and the loss of skills. Autistic burnout can manifest as heightened emotional volatility and/or increased repetitive behaviors/stimming (for self-regulation).

The act of masking, a coping mechanism where individuals mimic neurotypical behavior to fit in, is pinpointed as a significant trigger to autistic burnout. Instances of suppressing autistic traits and conforming to societal expectations can accumulate psychic "plaque," eventually culminating in burnout. Dr. Neff discusses the "burnout equation," a conceptual framework that clarifies how stressors and barriers can accumulate to surpass an individual's capacity, leading to burnout. This framework resonates with individuals who constantly strive to meet neurotypical standards, underscoring the need for targeted intervention and support.

Dr. Neff offers strategies for recovery and prevention, urging self-knowledge as a critical tool in recognizing the early signs of burnout. Examples include practicing boundaries, reducing sensory input, and finding alternative ways to express emotions. The importance of routines and engaging in soothing activities, such as time in nature, is highlighted as part of the recovery process. Neff suggests a holistic approach that encompasses everything from seeking social support and accommodating autistic strengths to engaging with the autistic community and prioritizing self-advocacy.

You can follow Dr. Neff on her Instagram page, Neurodivergent_Insights.